Sunday 29 April 2012

Demanding boss or understanding leader?

For sure I choose "understanding leader"!

100 years ago

Nowadays people mostly think or talk about working hard, doing business, making money,...
Why nobody thinks or talks about the value of family, people, relationship, love...
Following is an old photo of Iranian reunion party in 100 years ago! 

Saturday 28 April 2012

Messy Room Messy Mind!

Yesterday, one of my friends came to my place after one month. We just greeted each other for about 5 or 6  seconds and then she screamed and said a big WOWWWWWWWW....

I scared :) Then I asked her: "Are you alright? What happened?!"

Can you imagine what she answered? She said: "Heeeey! Your room is so clean and organized in compare to last month!"

OMG! She was right! Sometimes we change but we don't feel!

Thanks to all who have supported me in my personal development plan! :)

My personal development story

Hi everyone!

Today is Saturday and it's the day for uploading new posts :) I am so excited!

I just want to share with you how my life changed from the time I started to develop my personality till now. I started from January 2012 which I was terribly depressed and overwhelmed... I was stuck and I didn't have energy to do my works or even communicating with people no matter they were my friends or my family or whatever...I was always tired in bad mood...I can say my energy level was almost 0 !

My mental and emotional situation was getting worse day by day...Then I realized if I don't do anything now sooner or later I will lose everything in my life. I will lose my family, my friends... I will lose my supervisor, my degree and definitely I won't be able to find job here.... I was sure that I will lose everything and I won't be able to achieve anything ....I talked with some friends but no benefit...I don't know you have been in this situation or not!!! when you know what is right or what is wrong, when you know what you are supposed to do or what you are not supposed to know but you don't have confidence or maybe you don't have energy to stand up and just do your works!

Anyway, time passed and I was always thinking how I can help myself...until one day when I was walking on campus I found a flyer which was about "Empowerment", "Relationship skills", "Leadership" first I didn't have any idea about the meaning of these words but I was hoping maybe I can gain some solutions for increasing my confidence level ... I was always praying "God! can I believe myself again?!"

To make the story short I registered for the course and I WILL NEVER FORGET THE FIRST SESSION!
I was so excited! because all topics were the topics that I was so interested to learn and I couldn't believe that my wishes came true in this way!!!! By just walking around campus and find a flyer and register blindly without any clear idea about the course...that day I realized the power of mind. I think I could attract this course by my thought since I was desperately looking for some ways to help myself to stand up again! YES! I'm so blessed and happy to find this amazing course , to know my dear coach Abamirul and my dear peer coaches...

Now, my life changed... totally changed :) I am happy , energetic, positive and most importantly I LOVE PEOPLE.
Dear friends! it's very important to love people...without loving people we can't enjoy our life and we can't communicate effectively. We need to love people.
I found job! You know who introduced me to to the company? One of my friends!
I have very good relationships with my housemates, with my supervisor, with office staffs...with everyone! because I love them. It's very simple! "People don't care what you know until they know you care!" and it's very true!

Saturday 21 April 2012

My 2012 Year Planner

It feels good when you see 2012 in one glance! and it feels better when you understand you are the master of all days ahead!
Thanks my dear coach Amirul for sharing this idea!

Who Do You Think You Are?

I think I'm very capable and what I need is to believe in myself!